Revenge to the Tennth Power is done!

The writing, revisions and editing for my new mythological tale, “Revenge to the Tennth Power,” are complete. Now it’s time to think about a cover concept, and I’ve got an interesting idea. I think Jeanine Henning might be the artist to conjure this one to life. If all goes well, I hope to have an ARC on NetGalley sometime this summer. Shooting for a fall release in paperback and ebooks!

For now, here’s the book blurb:

Betrayed by her own royal blood at age 5 and kept prisoner in a temple dungeon for nine years, Tenn sees death as a merciful end. But when the temple priests’ attempt to sacrifice her to The Nine gods backfires, Tenn embraces the unexpected gifts of life and freedom. She desperately tries to elude capture by the king’s soldiers, and searches through Mammyth’s rugged wilderness for low-born allies. Burgeoning friendships with huntress Jett and rock-climbing expert Antero aid Tenn in her healing. One year after her escape, she taps into her exponentially increasing powers over fire, blood and a shape-shifting beast to seek revenge. Her target is the man who ordered her mother’s execution and banished her to be “purified” by perverted priests — her father, King Ryzthar.