And the third book will be …


StreaksOfBlue_ebook (1)“Nikki White: Frozen Upside Down”

That’s my working title as I prepare to take all these ideas in my head and begin charting the course for the third book in the series, which likely will span four books and could end up as a “Nikki: Red, White and Blue” omnibus edition when all is said and done.

I’ll have Damon Za do a whole new cover scheme for Nikki White, so that should be an interesting process.

For now, I’ll let Nikki offer a teaser for the third book:

“The Bridge is an awful company that has forced me to do great things in amazing places … even alongside my former would-be killer. He should still be in prison. Instead he’s seized an opportunity to turn his life around. He might even get the previously unthinkable chance to make another world better than the one he was born into.”

The “Nikki Blue: Source of Trouble” paperback is available now for $14.99 at the Amazon link below or you can pre-order the Kindle edition ($3.99) for its Oct. 9th release also at the link below: