Nikki’s looking good at Hickory Stick!

mybooksathickoryWow, this was a nice surprise this morning. Fran Keilty and Pat Moody already have “Nikki Blue” and “Streaks of Blue” displayed with pizzazz at Hickory Stick Bookshop in Washington, Conn., and they posted this photo on their Facebook page. Be sure to grab a paperback copy there. I made sure it’s $2 bucks cheaper at Hickory Stick ($11.99) than via Amazon ($13.99). Support your local independent bookstores!!

Release day for Nikki Blue: Source of Trouble!

Adobe Photoshop PDFThe second book in Jack Chaucer’s four-book series is now available all over cyberspace (380 pages, $13.99 paperback, $2.99 e-book). The third book, “Nikki White: Frozen Upside Down,” is expected to be released in late 2016 or early 2017.

Here’s what book blogger Julie Oakley of Hobart, Australia, had to say after reading “Nikki Blue,” the sequel to “Streaks of Blue”

“Wow, this novel is on a completely different path from the first in the series, but luckliy it works. Our protagonist “Nikki” has grown so much through this novel and we get to grow with her, as does the plot. The plot is very ‘now’, it targets some interesting topics that society today is faced with and in my opinion, shows them for exactly what they are! I love the direction this novel has taken, it is engaging and keeps the reader on their toes!

The writing as always is incredible, it draws you in from the very first page and keeps you interested throughout the novel. It is original, controversial, confronting and honest. If I had to pick a fault with this novel, it is that it ended too soon and too suddenly, however it has left me keen for the next book!

An amazing, fast-paced read, definitely one of my favourites this year!”

Here are some of the links to buy Nikki Blue:

Amazon paperback and Kindle e-book:


Barnes and Noble

Indigo/Kobo (Canada)

Book Blurb for “Nikki Blue: Source of Trouble”

Nicole Janicek has survived being shot, but can she overcome the blues of her early 20s?
Nearly four years after foiling a shooting plot at her high school and saving countless lives, Nikki begins a short-lived internship as a newspaper reporter; gets hired as a flak by an organization whose leadership consists of people labeled troublemakers by the Church of Scientology; confronts the source of her nightmares, Thomas Lee Harvey; puts her long-term relationship with Derek Schobell to the test; learns a disturbing secret from her friend, Adam Upton, and considers a high-risk offer to leave the planet forever.
Can this former teenage hero and trailblazer rescue herself from the consequences of her own decisions? Or does every path in front of her lead to trouble?

And the third book will be …


StreaksOfBlue_ebook (1)“Nikki White: Frozen Upside Down”

That’s my working title as I prepare to take all these ideas in my head and begin charting the course for the third book in the series, which likely will span four books and could end up as a “Nikki: Red, White and Blue” omnibus edition when all is said and done.

I’ll have Damon Za do a whole new cover scheme for Nikki White, so that should be an interesting process.

For now, I’ll let Nikki offer a teaser for the third book:

“The Bridge is an awful company that has forced me to do great things in amazing places … even alongside my former would-be killer. He should still be in prison. Instead he’s seized an opportunity to turn his life around. He might even get the previously unthinkable chance to make another world better than the one he was born into.”

The “Nikki Blue: Source of Trouble” paperback is available now for $14.99 at the Amazon link below or you can pre-order the Kindle edition ($3.99) for its Oct. 9th release also at the link below:

Quotes from “Nikki Blue: Source of Trouble,” #3

NikkiBlueAdam Upton:
“Nikki, wait up! I didn’t mean to laugh. You’re the last person in the world I’d call a quitter. You didn’t quit on me, even though I lied to you and tricked you with the LSD,” I shouted.

She froze on a rocky hill about 20 feet above me. I’m pretty sure she would’ve gone to the top without me if I hadn’t yelled what I just yelled as fast as I did. The “LSD” part seemed to echo all around us. I thought it was a pretty rad effect until a guy and his young son came climbing down the trail, past Nikki and eventually next to me. I stood there smiling and nodding at them like an asshole.

Quotes from the upcoming “Nikki Blue: Source of Trouble,” #2

NikkiBlueWilliam Osborne:

It took a lot of booze for me to maintain my doomsday courage. Fortunately, Rey’s liquor cabinet was stocked better than some corner taverns. I’d expect nothing less from a Puerto Rican player who told me he grew up drinking Don Q rum for breakfast.

“Streaks of Blue” will be published on Sept. 27th

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I have set a release date of Sept. 27 for “Streaks of Blue.” I plan to publish both the e-book and the paperback in time for that early fall release date. 
More details here ……

Half of the proceeds will go to the Newtown Memorial Fund. More info on that cause here: